A virtuous and efficient cycle
Specific expertise, experience and flexible tools convey in a consulting approach that allows us to study solutions aimed at optimizing and managing fleet management processes in an innovative way.
We exploit the full potential of digital evolution to integrate, dematerialize and make the management of your company fleet more efficient, taking care of every aspect: from technical to administrative activities and related to the relationship with drivers and suppliers. We can complete the definition of the processes also with operational support in outsourcing.
Our goal is to create a virtuous circle, which allows you to achieve the expected results, improving and simplifying the fleet management processes to improve and simplify your business.
Maximum operation and sustainability
Complete database management
Authorization process management
Car assignment process management
Administrative process management
Sanction process management
Complete drive care management
Management control and reporting
We tell of a world in constant evolution
Premiazione Le Fonti Awards 2024
Il gruppo editoriale milanese Le Fonti, anche quest’anno ha premiato le eccellenze italiane di var…
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Digital Evolution: the Italcementi example
A wonderful project for a large company like Italcementi projected towards digital evolution. &…
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Digital Evolution
BusinesSolution renews the company logo. The company was established in a period of trans…
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We study new ways to achieve great goals
Talk to our consultants, make your organization evolve