A broad spectrum view
We facilitate the innovation of your organizational system, to achieve your business objectives.
We study, organize and optimize the management and digitization of administrative processes, with the dematerialization of all financial and administrative documents in accordance with the law and the possibility of taking care of the historical paper archive.
We automate the processes for information retrieval, with particular attention to the integration between systems, accompanying you in every phase of the project, from analysis to any operational support activity in outsourcing.
We combine vertical skills and latest generation technologies in a global consulting vision, to guarantee you excellent results.
We integrate knowledge and innovation
Electronic invoicing processes
Storage processes according to law
Paper archive management processes
Processes for purchase requests and final balances
Liability cycle processes
Expense claim processes
Integrations with ERP in/out processes
Possible operational outsourcing
We tell of a world in constant evolution
Premiazione Le Fonti Awards 2024
Il gruppo editoriale milanese Le Fonti, anche quest’anno ha premiato le eccellenze italiane di var…
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Digital Evolution: the Italcementi example
A wonderful project for a large company like Italcementi projected towards digital evolution. &…
Leggi di più07/09/2020
Digital Evolution
BusinesSolution renews the company logo. The company was established in a period of trans…
Leggi di più30/07/2019
We study new ways to achieve great goals
Talk to our consultants, make your organization evolve